Filter FAQ
The Filter FAQ node allows you to choose which FAQ categories the bot can access in a particular conversation path.
This is useful for limiting the scope of the bot's responses when needed. Some examples:
- Only enable sales FAQs in the sales path
- Restrict to support topics in the customer service flow
- Show only product FAQs in the product details path
Adding a filter FAQ node is simple, just follow the steps below:
Step 1: In the builder, click "+Add Node".
Step 2: Select the Filter FAQ node under Process and Flow.
Step 3: Choose which FAQ categories to enable from the dropdown.
Step 4: Click "Save" when done.
The FAQ Filter node lets you restrict which trained FAQ responses the bot can access. It uses the FAQ categories you defined.
This is useful when you have similar questions but want different answers based on:
- Products/services
- User roles
- Or other attributes
For example, an HR bot could control intents and actions by employee role.
To do this, add the FAQ Filter node where a category selection is made. Choose which category/categories to enable there. You can also select multiple categories to filter on.
To reset filters, pick the blank option or "All" categories. This clears any existing filters applied.
Note: The default category is always searchable and unaffected by filters. This handles common queries and allows resetting filters.
The FAQ Filter node lets you restrict bot responses by FAQ category to improve relevancy. Filter by attributes like products, user roles, etc. for more contextual answers.
If you face any issues or queries please reach out to us at