Carousel Message Templates
WhatsApp now supports rich Carousel Message Templates that allow sending visually engaging cards with images, titles, descriptions and call-to-action buttons. Carousels enable you to tell a compelling visual story and prompt actions. You can highlight features, display product catalogs, announce sales events and more.

Follow along to leverage Carousels for visually engaging campaigns that convert on WhatsApp!
You can navigate to the section through:
- Go to Broadcast from the left navigation to Message Template and click on Create New Template
- Choose between creating the Template from scratch or importing from the template library based on your industry and usecase.
Carousel cards allow you to send a single text message along with the set of max 10 carousel cards (available in a horizontally scrollable view)
You can create the template in two steps:
- Define your Template
- Add Content in your Template
Step by Step add following details in the message template -
Template Name - Add a name for easily identifying your template through search. Use only lowercase alphanumeric characters [a-z,0-9] and underscores (_) for template names without spaces. Language - Select your preferred language Purpose of the template - Select any one
- Marketing - This category is used for sending promotional offers and product announcements
- Notifications - This category is for used for sending send updates/ notifications about your products or services, and also to get feedback.
Note: Click on the ‘Sample’ button to preview a sample template message in the respective category.
Select the template type - Carousel
Select the Contents of your template:
- Text Message (before the carousel card) - Mandatory
- Card Header (Media) - Mandatory
- Card Body Text - Mandatory
- Buttons (Max. 2 buttons) - Mandatory
Tip: Preview the draft template on the right side of the screen.

Click on ‘Continue’ to add values in the contents selected for your template and select the Contents of your template

Text Message (before the carousel card) - Add main content of your message. Limit your message up to 1024 characters including values from variables used.
You can add emojis and format the text. Add Variables for dynamic content which makes your message personalised.
Carousel Card Header - Choose Image / Video
- Image : Add the image file link by clicking on ‘Browse’. Only file types up to 5 MB and in JPG, JPEG, and PNG format are allowed. 1125px by 600px image resolution is recommended.
- Video : Add the video file link by clicking on ‘Browse’. Only mp4 file type is allowed. Maximum allowed file size post-processing is 16 MB.
Carousel Card Body Text - Add description of the respective card which explains what is being shown in the card. Limit your message up to 1024 characters including values from variables used.
You can add emojis and format the text. Add Variables for dynamic content which makes your message personalised.
Important : Meta DOES NOT support line space the card body text hence do not add this else your WhatsApp broadcast would fail.
Buttons - You can add upto 2 buttons. For each button add name of the button as label and the button type.
There are 3 types of buttons - a. Call-to-action - URL : Add redirection link. Ensure it starts with ‘https://….’. Clicking on the button will take users to added browser link. You can add variable to keep a dynamic URL. Calculate Analytics : Allows you to track clicks on the URL button.
b. Call-to-action - Phone number : Add phone number. Clicking on the button will open the dialpad with the added phone number.
c. Quick reply : Clicking on this button will start a flow. You can add the path flow which creating the broadcast with this message template.
Enable opt-out : You can add opt-out option in the text message (before the carousel card). This allows users to unsubscribe or stop receiving messages from your number.

You can add more cards by clicking on Add card. There can be a maximum of 10 cards in a carousel message template.
Click on ‘Request for Approval’ after adding all the values in the content. and add Sample Values
If you have added variables in any of the section such as image, body text or footer, you need to add sample/example values in the next step and confirm. This is mandatory for approving the message templateby Meta.
It takes up to 24-48 hours for a message template to get approved by Meta.

You can check the status of your message template under Broadcast > Message Template page > Status column. You will also receive a notification on the portal once your template is approved/rejected.
To find the relevant template, users the filters to search based on Template status and Template type.
If you face any issues or queries please reach out to us at [email protected]