Engati - User Guide
Managing your account

Managing your Team


We at Engati understand that organizations have multiple folks collaborating on the platform. In order to streamline and ease this process, we have the ability to manage teams. Adding multiple people on different roles with different logins can be used to streamline collaboration and prevent password sharing.

Access to Team Managaement

Only owners and supervisors can access and invite team Members by navigating to Team Tab located at the left side of the portal.

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There are five main roles in the Engati platform. 


This role is assigned to the account creator. The owner has complete access to the portal features and services. The owner can invite a team member for any role and can delete any invited user. 

  • An owner can not modify his own role. 
  • There is only one owner per account.


A Supervisor has access to all the features enabled for the account except the accounts tab. The supervisor can only monitor and control the products they have been invited to. 

Additionally, Supervisors can manage and supervise the live chat functionality, from chat assignment to team management, everything can be accomplished by them. 

  • The supervisor can not modify the account’s plan or check any account information. He can be invited by an owner and can invite other supervisors, bot builders, and agents.
  • Supervisors get the privilege to delete and modify the roles and names of other users, except for the owner.
  • You can assign the channels and the categories for which the Owner, Supervisor, and Agent should get the live chat requests. If a live chat request has been triggered for a category that does not have any agents or supervisors mapped to it, then the chat will be routed to the unassigned tab of the Owner and Supervisor.


An Executive role allows you to access the accounts page along with the dashboard, train and users. 

  • Though the executive gets access to the train, it is only limited to observation. 
  • The permission to create a new bot, Invite a new user, or delete/modify an account is not given to an executive.
  • Executive can modify your plan and deploy the bot he has been invited for.

Bot Builder 

Bot builder role is assigned to purely build and test bots. Bot builder gets to access bot building and deployment tools i.e Build, Configure, Deploy, Train, Broadcast, and Integrations.

  • Account management and engagement tracking and analysis are not the jobs of a bot builder hence we have discarded this from the set of rules. 
  • Bot builder is not provided access to Accounts, Dashboard, Users, and Livechat related functionality. 
  • Bot builder can not add a new bot, but can only work on the bot assigned to him.


Agent role is assigned to handle all live chat requests on the system. An agent can only access Messages and a few settings under Account Settings and doesn’t have access to any other functionality of the portal. The agent can be assigned a category to segregate the requests to the relevant agencies.

  • Live chat request assignment is done based on the availability of the agent, which is determined by the status of the toggle button. (Online/offline)

Managing Team Members 

Inviting Team Members

Click on the Add Team Member to invite the user onto the platform.

Note: An account registered on the platform is not allowed for addition as a team member to a product. 

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  • Choose a role: Select the role that the new team member will have. The options are "Supervisor", "Executiver", "Bot Builder" and "Agent".
  • Name: Enter the full name of the new team member.
  • Email: Enter the email address of the new team member.
  • Channels to manage: Select the channels that the new team member will be able to manage. The options are “Website”, “WhatsApp”, and “Instagram”.
  • Categories to manage: Select the categories that the new team member will be able to manage.

Resetting the Password link 

This option allows you to share a link with the user via which they can reset the passwords of their Engati Accounts, the links are valid only for 15 minutes. 

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Deleting Team Members                  

The delete admin option enables you to remove a team member.

If you face any issues or queries please reach out to us at [email protected]