Engati - User Guide
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Release Notes January 2023


Release Notes - 31st Jan 2023

As part of our monthly deployments, we had a release on 31st Jan 2023. With this release, we released a few new features, resolved and enhanced several customer requests/enhancements and took another step forward to better solving our customer’s problems and use cases.

Following is the summary of the changes :


Portal Optimization

This sprint focused on portal optimization; we made progress towards reducing the screen load time significantly.

Mobile App

Simplified Inbox

Improvements to Simplified Inbox included highlighting unread messages as bold to increase the productivity of agents.

Artifacts for WL

Progress was also made in the current sprint towards whitelisting the mobile app and the artifacts needed for whitelisting.

Billing & Analytics

Credit based Usage

The current sprint involved adding an option to enable and track usage based on credits. This is an important feature given that it allows a segway towards pre-paid billing models for customers.

MAU Count and Usage Metrics

Progress was made in the current sprint to show daily usage analytics for an account under account settings. This will increase transparency for the product with customers across pre-paid and post-paid billing models.

Live Chat

Message Search

This feature allows messages to be searched on dimensions including text, user name, phone number to further improve and complete the search use case.


Multiple MA Account Logins

This feature allows an admin of a partner portal to invite multiple admins to access the Master Admin portal.


WhatsApp Sandbox

To allow clients to test the WhatsApp channel without a WhatsApp number, the current sprint includes a Sandbox feature. Clients can now use one of the pre-configured numbers provided on the platform to send messages and deploy their bot. This will go significantly towards allowing clients to get familiar with the platform, build and test bots, test broadcasts while they wait for their WhatsApp accounts to be approved.


Custom Attributes for Contact List

Contact lists already provide for a way to upload bulk contacts very efficiently. This feature now also allows custom attributes to be uploaded. These custom attributes can be used for personalization and other use-cases.


Option selection for apparel stores in PD

This feature is a differentiator for Engati's Product Discovery. Shoppers can create and manage their cart. They can add product options along with quantity while creating a cart.