Release Notes June 2022
As part of our monthly deployments, we had a release on 7th Jun 2022 that was successfully deployed. With this release, we released a few new features, resolved and enhanced several customer requests/enhancements and took another step forward to better solving our customer’s problems and use cases.
Following is the summary of the changes :
Analytics for broadcasts and campaigns have now been introduced to give users a sense of the ROI of these activities. These analytics help establish the marketing funnel in terms of targeted customers to messages sent, received and read. This feature will go a long way to help deepen the use case of the overall Broadcast and Campaign features on the platform.
Some of the other enhancements on the core platform include the ability to change the role of a portal user, migration related activities for case insensitive search amongst other improvements and bug fixes.
Changes to the platform include the ability to drag and drop the SMO/ Carousel card to change the position of options as available in these cards.
Master Admin now has access to all accounts including direct customers, White labeled parent accounts as well as White labeled child accounts. This will help us better support changes to be made to partner accounts.
The team also made progress in the POC for the new Bot UI which would be released in the future.
This sprint saw improvements in some of the out of the box integrations that we provide on the platform. These improvements will help improve the user experience and accessibility for some of the common use cases that we encounter on the platform.
Improvements in Inbox include enhancing the experience of starting conversations from the Users section. Conversations can be started by agents where applicable and messages can be seen in the inbox by selecting the user in the Users section.
A feature to allow clients to receive the status of all packets from 360 Dialog was implemented. Clients can use the status information as received on the web hook to get a good sense of the outcome of the messages sent to their customers.
WhatsApp commerce is an important feature implemented on the platform and the current sprint further enhanced the user experience. Given the flexibility and ease of doing commerce on WhatsApp, this is an important arrow in our channel quiver.
Comment automation workflow for user comments was an improvement made to the Instagram channel this week.
Improvements to this feature included automatically collecting the logs when a user wishes to send us feedback.
Major improvements were done to font-sizing to accommodate the different devices and the experiences as felt by users on the mobile app. This improved experience should ultimately help us increase adoption.
This sprint involved integrating Zendesk into the mobile app. Integrations like Zendesk should increase the amount of time spent on the app.
Other improvements in the Mobile App include conversation sentiments, new messages indicator in the Inbox, Livechat summary and bot responses.
While the Shopify app was released to the public recently, the current sprint involved further UI fixes to harden the app. Shopify customer segments were also introduced as a part of these changes.
Further depth was added to capabilities in the e-Commerce domain by improvements in Query based NER accuracy, product enquiry, image search and multimodal search, and improvements in FAQs.
This release also included improvements in intent and sentiment accuracy, Arabic parsing and fixes, as well as better default handling.
Shopify product Discovery was deepend to include visual search. Other improvements include product updates and descriptions to further improve user experience.
PSR in this release focused on processor instrumentation, context revamp, processor stability, as well as setup and testing of a second instance.