Engati - User Guide
Data Input Node

Slider Node


The Slider widget is designed to provide users with a simple and intuitive way to select a value within a defined range. It is commonly used to collect user preferences, adjust settings, or control various aspects of an application. By incorporating the Slider widget into your platform, you can offer users a user-friendly and precise method for inputting their desired values.

Here are a few real-life use cases where the Slider widget can be effectively utilized:

  • E-commerce Product Selection: Allow customers to filter products based on price range using a slider.
  • Video Streaming: Enable users to adjust the playback speed of a video using a slider.
  • Image Editing: Provide a slider to control the intensity of image filters or adjustments.
  • Audio Control: Let users modify the volume level or apply audio effects using a slider.
  • Game Settings: Offer sliders to adjust game difficulty, character attributes, or other customizable parameters.

How to use?

Adding a slider node is simple, just follow the steps below:

Step 1: In the builder, click "+Add Node".

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Step 2: Select the Slider node under Data Input.

Step 3: Configure the slider settings like range, labels, step size, etc.

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  • Input Type: Select the type of input you want to use for the slider. The available options are ‘Rating’, ‘Number’ and ‘Percentage’.
  • User Prompt: Enter a message to be displayed as a prompt to the user, instructing them to input a value.
  • Validation Message: Specify a custom validation message to be displayed if the user enters an invalid value.
  • Range: Define the minimum and maximum values that the user can select using the slider.
  • Label: Add a label to the slider to provide additional context or information to the user.
  • Step Value: Set the increment or decrement value for the slider. This determines how much the value changes with each movement of the slider.
  • Attribute Name: Specify the attribute name that will be used to store the selected value in the database.
  • Enable Skip: Enable this option to allow users to skip using the slider and proceed without making a selection.

Step 4: Click "Save" when done.

The Slider node will display an interactive sliding bar for the user to easily choose a number value. This data can be saved for later use too. The slider makes selecting numerical values more visual and engaging!

If you face any issues or queries please reach out to us at [email protected].