WhatsApp Flows Template
Users may be more likely to engage and complete forms when using WhatsApp Flows, especially when they’re sent as the first message. This approach provides a smoother experience compared to traditional website redirects or forms. This new approach makes it easier for customers to engage with your business directly on WhatsApp. You can now create these WhatsApp Flow templates in the ‘Message Templates’ section and use them when sending out broadcasts.

You can navigate to the section through:
- Go to Broadcast from the left navigation menu -> Message Template page -> Click on Create New Template.
- Choose between creating the Template from scratch or importing from the template library based on your industry and use case.
These templates once created & approved on the Engati Desktop App will now be viewable on the Engati Mobile Inbox.
- Only templates categorized as Marketing or Notifications/Utility are supported.
You can create the template in two steps:
- Step 1 -> Define your Template
- Step 2 -> Add Content in your Template

- Template Name: Add a name to identify your template through search easily. Use lowercase alphanumeric characters [a-z,0-9] and underscores (_) for template names without spaces.
- Language: Choose the preferred language.
- Purpose of the template:
Marketing - This category is used for sending promotional offers and product announcements
Notifications/Utility - This category is for used for sending account updates, order updates, alerts, and more.
- Select the Content of your Template: Opt for 'WhatsApp Flows' from the dropdown menu.
- Header (Text/Media), Footer and Buttons: Choose as per your needs
- Body Text is mandatory
- Click 'Continue' to proceed to Step 2.

- If Header Type was selected in the previous step, then Header Type: Choose image, video, text or document.
- Image -> Add the image file link by clicking on ‘Browse’. Only file types up to 5 MB and in JPG, JPEG, and PNG format are allowed.
- Video -> Add the video file link by clicking on ‘Browse’. Only mp4 file type is allowed. The maximum allowed file size post-processing is 16 MB.
- Text -> Add a header text. Add up to 60 characters and only 1 variable.
- Document -> Add a document file by clicking on 'Browse'. Only PDF file types are supported. Maximum allowed post-processing size is 25MB.
- Body Text: Add your message about the offer or your products Limit your message up to 1024 characters including values from variables used. You can add emojis and format the text. Add Variables for dynamic content which makes your message personalised.
- Select an Existing WhatsApp Flow from the dropdown.
- Buttons: Add name of the button as label. The Button Type is Flow by default.
- Finally, click 'Request Approval'
- After requesting approval, a pop-up screen will prompt you to enter a sample value for any attributes used in the body text. Enter as required.
Note: Meta approval typically takes around 24-48 hours.