Broadcast Auto-Retry
You can now auto-retry your undelivered broadcasts with
The Auto-retry broadcast feature enables you to resend previous broadcast messages to users who did not receive them initially due to Meta’s frequency capping (error code: 131049). This capability ensures that your broadcasts reach their intended audience. We are only retrying broadcasts that are undelivered due to the frequency mentioned above capping error code.
By enabling the auto-retry feature, you can follow up with users who have yet to receive your previous broadcast campaigns, due to Meta’s frequency capping, ensuring higher delivery rates.
Note : The Auto-Retry Broadcast only works in case of Whatsapp error code 131049. For more information on WhatsApp error codes, please click here.
Auto Retry Broadcast feature is available under Marketing Campaigns > Create new Broadcast > Auto Retry.
Setting up Auto Retry Broadcast takes only three steps
1. Inside your Engati Bot, Navigate to Marketing Campaigns > Execution > Create New Broadcast. (To create a new Broadcast you can follow up with this page)
2. Auto retry Broadcast option is only available for WhatsApp as the Target channel and Send message templates as Broadcast Type
3. Enable the Auto Retry checkbox and set “Auto Retry interval” and “Number of Retries” from the dropdown menu below
Intervals: This dropdown contains the number of hours after which the Auto Retry should be triggered. For instance, if the initial broadcast message is not successfully delivered, the retry will automatically take place after the selected interval (4 hours recommended).
No of Retries: This defines the Number of times the Broadcast message needs to be retried before the entire Broadcast delivery is completed. The retry is stopped if either the defined intervals are completed or the broadcast delivery is completed.
To stop the auto-retry you can navigate to the three vertical dots at the end of the broadcast status, which will in turn give you a popup menu that looks something like this
Clicking on the “Stop Auto Retry” will Stop the broadcast
You can manually Retry the Broadcast as well this updated menu is only available for the “Stopped” Broadcast
The retry broadcast feature enables you to resend previous broadcast messages to users who may have missed or not received them initially. This capability ensures that your important communications reach their intended audience, even if there were temporary delivery issues or other factors that prevented successful delivery during the initial broadcast.
By retrying broadcasts, you can follow up with users who did not receive your previous broadcast campaigns, increasing the chances of your message being seen and acted upon.
You can retry users who opened, did not open, clicked links, etc. from a WhatsApp broadcast campaign.
Note : This option is only available for 7 days after the initial broadcast is sent.
This is available under Broadcast > Broadcast History. Hover over the broadcast you previously sent and wish to retry, then click on the "..." button for further options.
Step 1 : Navigate to Broadcast > Broadcast History.
Step 2 : Click on "Retry Broadcast".
Step 3 : You will receive a confirmation message.
This is how you can Retry Broadcast and the ability to retry broadcasts provides a powerful tool for maximizing the reach and impact of your messaging campaigns.
If you face any issues or queries please reach out to us at [email protected]