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How to setup WhatsApp notifica...
Checkout Abandonment
These messages will be sent to your users on WhatsApp when your customer adds the products to their cart and leave/abandon the checkout page of your website without making a purchase.
It will be available for users having Shopify/Woocommerce integrated into their Engati portal.
- Go to the Quick Navigator tab on the left menu -> Basic Setup -> Enable Automated Messages.
- Under Abandoned Cart Recovery, click on the ‘Enable’ button. If already enabled, it will show the ‘Edit Settings’ button where you can configure the notification settings.
You can also enable this feature by following these steps:
- Go to the ‘Store’ tab on the left menu -> ‘Feature Configurator’
- Enable the Abandoned Cart Recovery Notifications toggle.
- If the feature is already enabled, select ‘Edit Settings’ to modify the notification settings as needed.
Here you can configure the following:
- Set up the frequency of abandoned checkout messages to send to your customers. You can send up to three notifications one after the other at a set time interval.
- Change the time interval of messages: for example: after 30 minutes or 1 hour of leaving/abandoning the checkout page.
- Change the template message for each abandoned checkout notification.
- Add the discount code to auto-apply upon checkout.
- First, Second & Third Messages are frequencies of abandoned checkout messages. At least one message should be enabled for abandoned checkout notifications to work.
- The second and third messages are follow-up reminders to customers to complete their purchase. Each of them can be enabled/disabled via the toggle.
- These messages are sent in a sequence, one after the other based on the time interval set for each.
- If the first & third messages are enabled and you disable the second message then the third message gets queued after the first and will be sent as the second message.
- Click on the edit icon of the respective Message (first/second/third). A pop–up will appear where you can update the time interval and the days on which you wish to send these messages.
- Under Send After, select the number of days, hours or minutes after which you wish to send the message after your customer leaves the checkout page, without making a purchase.
- The default frequency is set to 30 minutes for the first message to remind your customer to complete the purchase. After which, the second message is sent 6 hours after sending the first message. The third message is sent 24 hours after sending the second message.
- To configure the days, click on the same edit icon and under Send On, select the days. By default, it is set to all days.
- Click on View Template button in Abandoned Checkout settings which will redirect you to the respective path in the path builder.
- Click on the Template Message node which has the default message.
- If the template message is already created and approved by Meta then you can simply select the template you wish to add. If the template message is not created then you create a new template and add. Click here to learn how to create a new message template.
- If any variables are present in the template message then add the relevant attribute or a fixed value in the field. Please note - Attributes should be added in curly brackets.
- If Media is present (Image/Video/Document) in the template then add the media link in the image field.
- Product Checkout Link: While creating the template message, add a button labeled as ‘Checkout Now’ with a button type as ‘Call to Action - URL’. In the URL field, add https://ai.engati.com/{{1}}. This is required for tracking the clicks on the Checkout link.
- In the template message node, add the relevant attribute for the checkout link from the list of attributes below.
- Save the node.
- List of Attributes for some of the details are as follows:
- Customer Name -> {{shopifyWebhook.customer_name}}
- Shopify Checkout Link to complete the purchase -> {{shortened_url_code}}
- Woocommerce Checkout Link to complete the purchase -> {{shopifyWebhook.shortened_checkout_url_alias}}
- Support Email - {{bot.supportEmail}}
- Support Phone Number - {{bot.supportPhoneNumber}}
- Shopify Website Link - {{bot.websiteURL}}
- You can add a discount code which will be auto-applied during checkout via abandoned checkout notification.
- To enable this, tick the checkbox next to Auto Apply discount code and it will show a field to add the discount code. This code needs to be created on your Store Admin - Shopify/Woocommerce.
- For every message you can add the discount code separately.
Updated 11 Jul 2024
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