WhatsApp Analytics Dashboard
The users who are using WhatsApp as their primary channel of communication, need to track information such as account usage, status, and other information which helps them in improving their productivity.
It can be enabled/disabled via entitlement. Currently, this is available only for WhatsApp Base and Growth plans. It can be accessed through the Overview tab.

- Latest WhatsApp Broadcast: It displays the latest broadcast which includes WhatsApp as a channel. Currently, it shows only the two latest broadcasts.
It would display the following metrics -
- Broadcast Name
- Broadcast Published Date/ Time
- Broadcast Status - Published / In-Progress
- Target Users, Failed Users, Sent, Delivered, Read
Note: You can download the reports using the Quick Links provided on each text for target users, and failed users.

2. Template-related information: This includes 3 sections that contain information related to the type of message template sent in a broadcast.
2-a) Most Used WhatsApp Template: It is the number of broadcasts that have been run using a particular WhatsApp Template and the specific template which has been used most frequently.
Note: It does not depend on the size of the segment.

2-b) Highest Engagement Templates: It displays the template which has triggered the most number of conversations along with the number of conversations.

2-c) Most popular buttons:
It highlights buttons with the most number of clicks.
Here a button is identified with the text associated with a button. So a button with the same text could be used in different message templates while sending broadcasts.
You can identify the button associated with a particular template message by referring to the ‘Template Name’ column beside that.
‘Usage Count’ helps you with the number of times the button has been clicked.

3. Live Chat: Display the information related to agent conversations as well as agents.
- Number of Unassigned Conversations: These are the conversations that have requested a live chat agent but have not been picked up so far.
- Number of online agents: This is the number (and list) of agents who are online and available to service requests.

4. Latest WhatsApp Account Details: It highlights the issues with the WhatsApp account's health and quality.
- Number Status, Account Status, FBM Verification Status, Account Quality, Message Limit per day.
- Number of Business Initiated Conversations User Initiated Conversation.