WhatsApp setup using Kaleyra
WhatsApp Messenger is a freeware, cross-platform messaging, and Voice over IP service. Engati allows customers to use WhatsApp messenger as a channel for the bot. Engati supports Kaleyra as a partner and businesses can deploy the Engati Chatbot on Whatsapp using this integration.
2.1 Access Setup by navigating to Configure> Deployments> WhatsApp.

2.2 Then select Kaleyra as the provider option.

2.3 Update the following fields:
- Phone Number
- API key
- Client URL
3.1 Login to your Kaleyra account by accessing the link https://hexa.kaleyra.io/login.

3.2 Navigate to the ‘Channels’ tab present on the left navigation menu of the screen.

3.3 Click on the Whatsapp manager and select the Configurations tab.

3.4 Copy the number which has been approved and paste it in the Phone Number section. (Note: Add the country code too without spaces or +)

3.5 Paste the URL provided by Engati in the URL section.

3.6 Next, visit the Developer Section and click on the Generate API Key button

3.7 Give a name to the new API key and click on Save. Copy the generated API Key and SID and paste them in Engati.

3.8 To create the Client URL, use the SID procured from the Kaleyra account and paste it in the following URL.
3.9 Copy the above URL and paste it into the Client URL section.

3.10 Once all the details are entered, save the changes and you are good to test your bot on Whatsapp with your test numbers.
- Kaleyra as a partner supports the following media and document types:
Type Format Image JPG, JPEG, PNG Document PDF, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X) ,TXT Audio AAC, M4A, AMR, MP3, OGG, OPUS Video MP4
- Location service, File upload and contact sharing are currently not supported.
Video Reference – For more help you can refer to this video Deploying the chatbot on whatsapp via Kaleyra.
If you are using our WhatsApp channel as a mode of communication to connect with your clients and have integrated callback URLs to collect this information on your end, then in order to make sure your data is secure, we have enforced callback URL white-listing from Kaleyra’s end.
4.1 Navigate to the settings option in the collapsible menu found under the user account on the right top corner.

4.2 Copy the link from the Engati Portal into the WhatsApp Callback URLs.

4.3 On the page that appears, find and navigate to “Settings” as shown below, paste the copied Webhook into this section.

4.4 Click on the Save button to complete the process.